The Polls Are Closed!
After reading the nomination letters below please proceed to the BALLOT and vote for up to FIVE of the nominees.
2020 SSDCA Advisory Board Nominees:
The following people have been nominated to run for positions on the SSDCA's Advisory Board.
Their letters are listed in the order that they were received.
April Amoros
Dear SSDCA Members,
Thank you for nominating me to run for another term on the Board. For those of you who do not know me, I have been involved with Shiloh Shepherds since 1999, and a club member since 2007, on the Advisory Board from 2017 to present. The following is some background on how I first came to know Shiloh Shepherds, and the SSDCA.
In 1999, I was in college and had my 2 GSDs with me. Even though I was far from ready to bring another dog into my life, I started searching and dreaming of what I wanted in my next dog and where I would find it. A Google search introduced me to two breeds that I had not previously heard of, the Shiloh Shepherd and the King Shepherd. At first, I was not clear how they were different, so I emailed a breeder from each breed. It just so happened that the Shiloh Shepherd breeder that I contacted was Tina Barber. She answered my questions with much more detail than the other breeder did, and she invited me to join an online forum to learn more. There, I was welcomed by other Shiloh breeders and enthusiasts, and was invited to my first Homecoming. It was there that I was first introduced to the SSDCA, and it was there that I became hooked on the Shiloh Shepherd breed.
This group has become like an extended family. Even before I had a Shiloh of my own, I felt a kinship. With each Homecoming I would learn more, both in seminars, and just talking to other Shiloh owners. This was not just another breed fan club. There is so much to learn, and so much to experience.
The dogs I met at the Homecomings I attended, year after year, never ceased to amaze me with their beauty, intelligence, and kind nature. I always took the opportunity to help in any way that I could, to learn as much as I could. This included anything from, but not limited to, holding dogs, showing dogs, or being a volunteer for the Temperament Tests. When I would return home, I could not help but rave, and educate people, about them whenever the topic of dogs would come up. How had I not known about them before? Everyone should know about Shiloh Shepherds!
Fast forward several years, in 2011, I finally got my Shiloh, Cutter. He was everything I had hoped and asked my breeder for. His temperament turned out exactly as promised. He has grown into quite the Shiloh Shepherd ambassador. Now, it seems that everywhere he goes, someone wants to know about the breed. I tell so many people about my incredible dog and how perfectly he was matched to my needs and wants.
When I finally had a Shiloh of my own, I wanted to participate more in club activities. I got more involved with SSDCA's Mid-Atlantic Chapter (MAC), and even served as chapter Secretary for a time. During this next term, I would love to see the chapters become more active, again, in the next few years. It is a great way to keep in touch with your more local Shiloh family, and the gatherings are a great way to show off the best traits of the breed. The MAC chapter’s group activities were always a hit.
I have learned that the only thing more impressive than an ISSR Shiloh Shepherd is a large group of ISSR Shiloh Shepherds. I'm still surprised at how many people I have introduced to Shiloh Shepherds, for the first time.
The SSDCA has an important mission, to preserve, protect and promote the future of this breed. I think education and exposure are important towards this goal and the more ISSR Shiloh Shepherd owners that actively participate, the more successful we will be.
Outside of the Shiloh Shepherd world, my life consists of horses, accounting work, and dog friendly adventures. I currently live in Chadds Ford, PA and have found this general area to be great for dog friendly outdoor activities/events.
Many of my experiences, both dog related and not, have given me the ability to understand how to relate to others and have provided me with the confidence to educate others about topics in which I am familiar. I also find that I am frequently exposed to potential future owners/promoters of the ISSR Shiloh Shepherds.
I am honored to have been nominated to run for the Board again. I wholeheartedly believe in the ISSR and the ISSR Shiloh Shepherd and will do all that I can to help protect their future. If elected, I would be honored to serve a full three-year term on the Board.
April Amoros
Pauline Keith
I have always been a hopeless animal lover. Over the years I have shared my life with gerbils, turtles, hamsters, cats, dogs, bunnies, chickens, horses, goats and even a few squirrels that we rescued. One of the dogs I had the privilege of owning was a German Shepherd named “Shadow”. I rescued her from the town pound back in the early 80’s and she turned out to be a wonderful companion. I had her for about 10 years, and she was perfect. After Shadow, we took in a mixed breed, who was also a great dog, but I always had a soft spot for German Shepherds. When my youngest daughter wanted a dog for her 16th birthday, we found a breeder of GSD’s and bought our Lexi, who is now nearly 12.
One year, when we were staying at a campground in Virginia, I met a family who had a large shepherd, and I of course had to introduce myself and meet their dog. He was truly a gentle giant and they explained to me that he was a Shiloh Shepherd. I was very impressed, but unfortunately, I forgot the name of the breed, but not the dog. Years later when my husband asked me what I wanted for my 50th birthday, I came across the name of Tina Barber and her Shiloh Shepherds on the internet and then I knew this was the breed I had met in VA, and this was what I wanted for my present. So, after contacting Lisa, I became the proud owner of my first Shiloh Shepherd, Rio, in 2012! That’s all it took, I was hooked, and I joined the forums and became a member of the SSDCA and our regional chapter SSONE.
I have since been committed to spreading the word about our wonderful Shilohs. I have attended many of the SSONE events: Kids fairs, Pet Expos and club get togethers. Since acquiring my second Shiloh, Kai, in 2015 and then losing him at 5 months old to GSDIVA, I have a renewed interested in the health of our breed & the importance of Holtering all our puppies. I have spent time researching genetics and have taken the ICB course on Genetics and Breeding for the future. I am also very interested in canine nutrition and have recently taken a comprehensive nutrition course by Dr. Jean Dodds and Diana Laverdure-Dunetz to learn more. More recently I have been interested in early puppy development and training in general. I am also a raw feeder, another area many folks with Shiloh’s are curious about.
In 2016, Taj joined our Shiloh family as a breed quality hopeful and was upgraded to Breed Quality at about 1 1/2 years old. Taj completed his Jr. Championship, passed his CGC, achieved his National Select Championship title two times, and has spent some time doing nose work, which he loved. Sadly, we lost Taj this year due to a tragic accident, just shy of his fourth birthday.
For the last three years I have been tasked with coordinating our SSDCACalendar Contest. I was also the Show Coordinator for the club for two years and put together five shows. Both have been a learning experience for me, and if I can help the Club in this way, then I am happy to do it. Throughout my last three years being a board member, I have served as secretary for most meetings and helped update many of our contracts and documents.
I wish to see our Shiloh breed survive and move into the future healthier and stronger. I am passionate about our breeding program and feel we need to add an outcross in the very near future. I am a strong proponent of holtering all our puppies so we can map the trends of GSDIVA affectedness and see it eventually eradicated from our breed. I would like to see if we can find ways to make our events enticing to new puppy owners in order to get more participation. I would like to work to explore ways to do more fundraising so that the Club has a healthy bank account to work with.
Thank you for considering me for a three-year term as an SSDCA board member. If elected, I promise to do my part to aid in the process of promoting and enabling our Shiloh Shepherd dogs to continue to improve and prosper in the future.
Pauline Keith
Debbie Knatz
I could rehash all of the things I wrote in previous elections, but you can just as easily go back and read that here. I can talk about all the things I'd like to do over the next 3 years as a board member. I can make suggestions about what I think this club and breed need to survive and grow. But none of it matters without you.
The SSDCA Advisory Board is only as good as the people who make up the club. So this year I'd like to challenge you, our Licensed Breeders and SSDCA Members, and ask... what are you prepared to do for the SSDCA and the Shiloh Shepherd breed?
The website has been updated and new features added. A secure LB Portal was created with a showcase area for our breeders to share information with each other. A replacement for the Forums was purchased and built. Plans for our newest outcross are moving fast. But if our Licensed Breeders aren't involved and using those tools it was all a waste. If our members aren’t committed to the SSDCA it was all for naught.
Last month we lost an influential breeder to the slivers. At a time when I expected morale to be at its lowest, I was awestruck that our membership drive brought in many new and renewed members. So, I know you're out there. You’ve proven that you believe in the SSDCA... but we don't want to just survive... we need to thrive. We need to keep up the momentum. Continue to grow our membership. Our club. Our genepool. Our breed.
None of what this Board hopes to accomplish matters without you. So I ask again. What are you willing to do for the SSDCA and the Shiloh Shepherd breed? I've been here for two decades, mostly working behind the scenes. I’ll be here with or without a board seat. I remain 100% committed to Tina's vision for the Shiloh Shepherd breed. Will you join me? Will you support the SSDCA and make it stronger than ever?
- Debbie Knatz
Shepherd's Ridge
Paula Terranova
I want to start out by thanking the SSDCA for allowing me the opportunity to run for a position on the Advisory Board. It is an honor and a privilege to be involved with this breed.
My interest in Shiloh Shepherds started about 20 years ago when my Uncle Steve got one. I was smitten and proceeded to learn all I could. I ended up at New Zion to purchase my first Shiloh. This took place at Tina’s before the fire, and during a blizzard. I was looking purely for a family companion and boy did I get that in spades. Max was such a wonderful dog, a great addition to our family. He lived to 10 years and developed DM. When we lost him I swore never, ever would I get another Shiloh. His loss was too painful and I never wanted to feel that way again. I stuck to my guns and had several other breeds after him. But I missed my Max and decided I needed another Shiloh in our family. So back to New Zion I go. I was on the Hope/ Quest litter. I saw them multiple times before their LER after all, what is a six hour drive each way when I get to see puppies. I offered to help Lisa take pictures of her dogs on one of those trips and ended up adopting Leah. Loved her to pieces, such an awesome dog. I went back to get my puppy a few weeks later and came home with Marco. Again not looking for show/breeding I wanted a pet. Evidently Lisa had other plans for me. I showed up at Homecoming and Lisa basically forced me to show Marco, he won and we were hooked. So a few health tests down the road we now have a stud/show dog. A pretty good one I think! Somehow, still not sure how it happened, I agreed to whelp a litter. We lost the entire litter and I wanted to quit but did not. Since then I have whelped several litters and love doing it. My problem is letting them go. Which is how I ended up with Fiona my Nora /Z girl. Granddaughter to my Leah! I have accumulated Greta, Ariana and Rosie. Rosie is Marco’s daughter. Coco/ Marco had a litter here and I ended up keeping Rose So my current count is 6 Shilohs. I came very close to keeping one from the Rumor /Marco litter. Lisa did not see me running after her car, as she was driving away with the puppies. I give new meaning to the saying you can’t have just one.
I believe in this breed and want to see it grow and prosper. I know we have challenges to face but I think we can conquer them if we work hard and persevere. I think it is important to address health issues within our breed. We are working hard to eliminate GSDIVA. I think we are on the right path by trying to get all our pups holtered between 6-8 months. Doing hip x-rays to address hip dysplasia. The DM testing that is available now has been a blessing. Those of us that have suffered through the loss of a dog by this disease can attest to that. I believe that keeping track of our health issues is imperative. I am a strong proponent of our ongoing health survey. I initiated the idea of a puppy data base for health and behavioral information which will be started soon. This will help us track issues in our bloodlines and pairings I hope.
Another issue I think Shilohs, as a breed, face is lack of breed recognition. If no one knows about our dogs then no one will buy them. And if there is no market the breed will die. I believe we need to do a better job of advertising our wonderful dogs. We do run an ad every year in a dog magazine but that is not enough. We all need to get out with our dogs and show them off. I bring trifolds and business cards when I am out with my dogs. That alone won’t do it, we need to attend things like charity walks, public events, anything that will expose our dogs to the public eye. I know some of us do this already and a big thank you to them.This is an area we need to address right away. I think we need more though. I hope there is someone in our great organization that has media connections and can step up. Anyone?
Another concern for me is our small breeding pool. Those of us that breed need to be aware of dogs that have not been heavily bred and see if we can use them. We may need to use dogs from across the country and all that entails. Frozen semen, shipping and AI. Whatever it takes to increase our diversity. The need for an outcross is becoming a reality. These are pressing issues. We need to encourage people to become breeders and offer them the needed support to be successful. I know it is a daunting thought but the rewards are wonderful. There is so much joy in seeing a puppy that you whelped go on to a wonderful life. I keep in touch with the people owned by my pups. I get pictures, emails, stories and invitations to visit. It is so exciting to see the joy they bring. I actually have it in my contract I expect regular updates. There is heartache too but the balance is in the plus column for sure.
Another area I think we need to address is getting larger amounts of people involved with the breed. There are the people that breed and show and stay involved that way. We have a lot of people out there that don’t either breed or show. I think we need to encourage all people owned by a Shiloh to get involved. Having a Shiloh walk, or fun day, or picnic in each Chapter throughout the year. Getting people to show their dogs, even if you don’t expect to win, is a great experience for the person and dog. And you never know what will happen.
My involvement with this breed has been over a twenty year period. First as a dog owner solely. It is really over the last six years or so that I became very involved in a more formal way. I have been a member of the SSDCA since 2011 and spent four years as an LBIT. I am now a licensed breeder and owner of Terra Shilohs Kennel. I attend the on line membership meetings as well as the on line LBIT/LB meetings. I have reached out to many in our wonderful community and offered assistance and answered questions. I have attended Homecoming since 2011 and have helped there as I can. I am a member and Secretary of the Nessa Chapter. I recently helped with the Memorial Day Show in Yorktown, NY and will be part of the organization for our fall show in the same area. I am the membership coordinator for the SSDCA.
I have made so many close friends over the years through this organization. I feel I am a better person for knowing the members of this group. I have learned so much and have gained so much from so many. I wish everyone could have a group like this behind them. I want to see us grow as a group and increase the joy these dogs bring to others. When I look at my phone contacts, email list and facebook friends the vast majority are my Shiloh peeps. My involvement with this group has been life changing.
I hope you will vote for me for this position. I promise if elected to bring all my passion for the breed, all of my vision and energy to the task. I will fulfill my duties for the entire three year term. If I am not elected that is OK as all the people running for the board are talented and wonderful people. I know all the members that are running would be wonderful on the board.
Sheila Masse
To the members of the SSDCA,
I consider it an honor and a privilege to be put in the nominee position. I am currently serving on the board as I was asked to fill in when a former member was unable to complete their term.
My name is Sheila Masse and I live in North Scituate RI. When I got my first Shiloh back in 2000 I was hooked on the breed immediately. I have had dogs all my adult life but it was different for me with my first Shiloh and being interested in involvement with carrying this breed into the future. When my first Shiloh, a smoothie named Star, arrived , something was different for me with this breed. and I immediately started to seek out how to become involved. While she was a pup I started doing Meet & Greets, thus the SSONE Chapter evolved and continues to this day under my leadership. Of course I understood the goals of the chapter was to educate the public of the birth of this breed, hence I have been doing the Pet Expos and continue to do so. I started the expos with just myself & Star. We now do Ct, and were doing Providence which also led to the Kid's Fair in Ct. I feel we have been successful with this endeavor as we have had shilohs placed though instilling interest from the expos. Now I have lots of help from SSONE Members, couple of which are breeders in training and also a licensed breeder, so I would say my chapter is attaining our goals..
I feel the Club is important because working together we can really show and instill interest in fulfilling Tina's dream, the reason why we all became such advocates of the true ISSR Shiloh Shepherd. Through the years since my girl, Star, who was dx'd at 9 months with EPI I have helped out many of our members who found themselves at a loss when they were faced with the same problem and was able to insure them that their shiloh would live a long quality life with EPI-I had Star 13 yrs. Through this girl I also did my research on Raw Feeding and since then have been able to mentor many members on raw feeding. A year after Star I got Kiora , a dual plush after I bred Kiora I kept a pup and named her Joy. With Star I developed of love of going into the show ring, Star was pointed and Kiora seemed not to enjoy showing, then came Joy's turn with her sister Hope, I titled both of these littermates, also achieving National Select and also GV. Now I have Abracadabra, who also has finished her CH and working on her GV.
Through the years I have participated with the LER process . Issues that I find are important is the health of our breed, and also to be able to encourage other members to follow through with the health testing of their pups. I am more then willing to work with other board members and do not foresee any problem with fulfilling my term . I am always available to SSDCA members, as many of you know, to answer any questions that may arise and to give guidance from my own knowledge and experience. I am currently retired from being the artistic director and teacher of a dance studio for 45 years, where I taught preschool through senior aged students and also special needs. I did performances and charity events and I would say that this developed my skills to organize and lead..
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Sheila Masse
Maggie Pring-Wilson
My name is Maggie Pring-Wilson, and I’m running for the Board of Advisors.
My mom, Cindy Pring, has been involved with Shiloh Shepherds since she
first got Scout from Tina and Lisa Barber in 2000. Mom started a
kennel in 2002, Coats of Many Colors Shilohs. I knew my mom’s dogs
well and loved them. I did my research into the breed and decided to
become involved.
Through Lisa, I got Laika, who has been a perfect fit into my life.
She is smart, funny, and sometimes a total princess. She has a long
memory. Seriously. You can ask Lisa.
In August 2014 Mom and I went to New York for Homecoming, our first
dog show. It was a lot of information very fast and long days, but we
had a wonderful time. Meeting and getting to know some of the other
owners and their dogs was awesome. We have gone every year since for
six years and are disappointed that we won’t make it there in 2020. I
have learned so much and feel like the Shiloh family is a part of
I decided to become part of the breeding program with Laika under
Mom’s new kennel, Pikes Peak Shilohs. We were able to introduce Kirby
and Spice into the group, again thanks to Lisa. Since 2014, I have
really been involved with the breed and other owners/breeders. I love
the pups, and we are now about to start breeding with our second set
of females, Violet and Chloe.
My background is most recently manager of four departments of a large
retail store, which I’ve just left after 11 years. I have a menagerie
at home and have experience as a vet tech. in addition to numerous
other jobs.
I think I can help move the breed forward. I’m fascinated by the
breeding aspects and will continue to learn. I completely support our
mission for the Shiloh Shepherd and our breeders, who are trying so
hard to maintain the integrity of our breed.
Since I became involved, a lot of things have happened to threaten our
stability. I hope to be able to use my experience and skills to help
us move into the next phase. I hope to increase the number of people
involved in the West and expand our breeding efforts. I hope to
continue to educate people about the Shiloh Shepherd and the benefits
of our organization. I really look forward to working with the other
people in our group in whatever capacity that may be.
Thank you for the opportunity to run for this position.
Maggie Pring-Wilson
The Polls Are Open!
After reading the nomination letters above, please proceed to the BALLOT and vote for up to FIVE of the nominees.
Thank you for taking in an interest in our club leadership!